Saturday, July 23, 2016


Hi, today I will talk about a movie, well, I don’t usually watch movies because I can’t stand spend so much time -like two hours- watching the same thing, but in the last time, one of my friends lend me her account of Netflix, and since this time I acquired some Knowledge about others movies, well, the other day, five days ago, in order to be more precise, I saw a movie, this movie is so famous but I never felt interested about this movie, her name is “Big Fish” this is a movie by Tim Burton, the actors who take part in this film was Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Billy Crudup, Jessica Lange, among others. This is a fantasy drama about the relation between a father and a son that do not speak years ago, the son feels upset because he don’t understand the life of this father, because they don’t know which stories of his is real and which is fake, in the movie the son knows better his father, for in the end achieve a beautiful connection and understanding the real meaning of the big fish.

 I enjoyed so much this movie, because is a perfect mixture between the magic of a fantasy world and the real life with all his complications, I think this movie teaches that the force of the imagination has no limits, and that we can make the world a more entertaining place only telling a story, living through it and making special.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Lana Del Rey - West Coast

Hi, I have to choose just want singer or band for this post, and I think this is so, so difficult, because in this moment I’m obsessed with two singer/band, the band is Planeta no, a Chilean
band, and the singer is Lana del Rey, I will choose the last one, because I think the story is more interested. 
Well, when this singer start to become popular in the country I hated the sound of her voice, I hated hear her songs in the radio it was like a torture, in my worst nightmares the background noise was Lana del Rey, I couldn't stand the fashion of crown of flowers and I told a friend of mine that she had the ears damaged if she was listening her songs, but today I’m in the other side, I liked so much. 
She play pop music, dream pop and electro, and I think that the sad melodies captivated me, because the majority of her songs tell stories of bad loves, or lost and lonely women, I’m really curious about this, but I think that this is because she is cancer (zodiac sign). Well, my favorite song in this moment is West Coast, but just for the moment, maybe tomorrow I like another.

bye bye

The- Beauty Cat
Hi, I would like to learn a lot of things, for example the correct way of sing because I know that I don’t use all the capacity of my lungs, and I heard that with hard work and persistence even the worst singer can be a star. For other side I would love to learn other languages like French or Portuguese, because in a future I want to travel around the world. As for the music in the past I tried to learn to play the wind piano, but it so difficult for me, is like my brain and my fingers they were not connecting, this happens to me with all the musical instruments, in my family my dad is so fan of the guitar and he tried to teach me but I can’t!  I hate smash my fingers in the guitar string, but Man, don't even matter. Also I would like to learn to write novels or shorts stories, since I was a kid I wrote but I think that for to be a real writer like Bombal, Cortázar, Oscar Wilde and others, I need to learn a lot more of draft of texts or the correct use of the words and punctuation marks. Well, that’s is for today, bye bye

The-beauty Cat.